
With a family

L/Cpl Leslie Roderick , South Wales Borderers, who had escaped from PG 112/5 Spineto at the Armistice, and spent some time with the Orso family,  photographed with brother and sister Franco and Caterina Orso and Silvia Petrono, daughter of their next door neighbour.    (Source Fondo Borghetti, ISTORETO , Turin)

  L/Cpl Roderick arrived in France on 10 October 1944 (Source: E&E Reports  WO 208/3324/137 and 138).

With the partisans

Privates Herbert Wood, Norman Evans and Eric Turney, all 2 Cameron Highlanders, with partisan leader Nicola Grosa.   Wood and Evans had escaped from PG112/1 Ponte Stura as presumably had Turney.

Wood and Evans reached France on 30 November 1944 (E & E Reports WO 208/5410/30 and  WO 208/5434/26).  

Turney is recorded as 'Previously reported as Prisoner of War in Italian Hands, no longer Prisoner of War' in WO 417/83 (10/-27 October  /44)

The Alpine guides

The Ferro Famil family from Usseglio produced some well-known guides:

Francesco, also known as Vulpôt senior, who had managed for a long period of time the Fons d'Rumour refuge (renamed after '33 as the 'Tazzetti' refuge), and his three sons:

- Giuseppe, known as Pinôt, who worked initially from Usseglio until the early 1930s after which he moved to Balme, first as manager of a small hotel on Pian della Mussa and later looking after the Gastaldi Refuge for thirty-two years

 - Roberto, owner of the Vulpòt Hotel in Malciaussià

- Guido (Vulpôt)  who at the time that the escaped prisoners were wanting to get to France, was manager of the Peraciavàl Refuge between Usseglio and the Lago Dietro la Torre. He is referred to by Norman Evans and Herbert Wood in their escape reports, and also by Alexander McColl Jamieson.

The Peraciavàl Refuge

In her father's footsteps

Jane Bradburn (centre),  daughter of Gnr Kenneth H. Bailey, 67 Medium -Regiment, Royal Artillery, walks the route taken by her father in November 1944


Roderick & Orso family and Grosa, Wood, Evans,  Turney.  Fondo Borghetti   C FB 1b   ISTORETO Turin


The Peraciavàl Refuge:

 Jane Bradburn: courtesy of Jane Bradburn